Swimmers Serve Soup

Jim Willis

On Thursday Feb 20 for the lunch shift 10:30-1:30 we will be partnering with Preble Street to volunteer our time to help them serve lunch at their soup kitchen for those who are in need. Preble Street provides a nutritious meal to crisis intervention, clean clothes to health care, showers to a permanent home, Preble Street programs not only meet urgent needs but also create solutions to homelessness and hunger. We will have only ten spots for MESI Volunteers 13+.



Follow these steps to sign up for the Event:

1. Click on this link!
2. Follow the instructions to fill out an application, and create a username and password.
3. Wait for an email indicating that your application has been approved.
4. Use this link and sign up for the volunteer slots that have been assigned to your group. DO NOT use the link that appears in the automatic email you receive when your application is approved.
5. Select "sign up" on the right hand sign, and confirm your reservation!
6. Plan to arrive at 252 Oxford Street, Portland, about 15 minutes early. Use the volunteer entrance (there's a big VOLUNTEER ENTRANCE) sign, and ring the buzzer for someone to let you in.
7. Sign in at the kiosk at the welcome desk!

Check out this handy How-To video for a guided tour of our online signup process for groups!